My Child has ADHD, Now What? As a parent, are there strategies that can help my child do better at home and school?
Can this be done without using medication?
My Child has ADHD, Now What? As a parent, are there strategies that can help my child do better at home and school?
Can this be done without using medication?
Trouble staying focused and completing work
Your child does not seem to listen when you give then instructions
They often lose things
Avoids and dislikes completing homework and reading
They are easily distracted
Trouble sitting still
Interrupts others and trouble waiting their turn
Dr. Steven Lazarus is a licensed psychologist in Littleton, Colorado who specializes in the evaluation and treatment of children with ADHD. He completes a thorough ADHD evaluation that involves parent and teacher feedback as well as a complete child evaluation. He then discusses treatment options and strategies. Dr. Lazarus tries to utilize natural treatment for ADHD that does not involve medication. Medications are seen as a last resort. Parents are actively involved in the process.
Click here to learn more about working with a child psychologist
Ways Parents Can Help Their Children Deal With ADHD Challenges